How To Learn Coding

December 29, 2022 • Urvashi • 8 min read

Table Of Contents

Are you fascinated by the world of computer programming but not sure where to start? Don't worry, you're not alone. In this beginner's guide, I've put together a list of fantastic resources to help you get started on your coding journey. So, let's dive in and embark on this exciting adventure of programming together!

Choosing Your First Programming Language

The first step is to choose the right programming language to start with. Don't worry, I've got you covered.

When it comes to programming languages, there are a few things to consider. If you're up for a challenge and want to delve deep into programming concepts, go for a statically typed language like C/C++ or Java. They might require more time and patience, but they'll give you a solid understanding of the fundamentals.

On the other hand, if you're looking for a more straightforward and fast-paced learning experience, go for a dynamically typed language like Python or JavaScript. These languages are known for their ease of use and quick results.

Now, let's talk about where these languages shine. C/C++ is widely used in system programming and embedded systems, while Java is a go-to language for enterprise applications and Android app development. If you're interested in data science and machine learning, Python is the way to go. And if web development tickles your fancy, JavaScript is the language you'll want to master.

To help you make the right choice, I've found this handy flowchart that can guide you through the decision-making process.

So, take your time, consider your goals and interests, and pick the programming language that resonates with you. Your coding adventure is about to begin!

Mastering the Fundamentals: Your Learning Resources

Before diving into exciting domains like web development or artificial intelligence, it's crucial to build a strong foundation in the fundamentals of programming. Don't worry, though—I've got a treasure trove of resources to help you on your journey!

Let's explore some websites where you can kickstart your programming adventure:

  1. Codecademy: Codecademy offers interactive coding lessons and projects across various languages. It's a fantastic way to grasp programming concepts while getting hands-on experience.

  2. freeCodeCamp: With freeCodeCamp, you can dive into an extensive curriculum that covers multiple programming languages and real-world projects. Prepare for an immersive, hands-on learning experience!

  3. Coursera: Coursera brings you programming courses taught by experts from renowned universities and institutions. Get ready for high-quality, in-depth learning experiences.

  4. edX: Collaborating with top educational institutions, edX offers a diverse range of self-paced and instructor-led programming courses. Get the best of both worlds!

  5. Mozilla Developer Network (MDN): MDN is your go-to resource for web development. It provides comprehensive documentation, tutorials, and guides to help you excel in this exciting field.

  6. W3Schools: W3Schools hosts an extensive library of tutorials and references on web development languages and technologies. It's the perfect place to deepen your web development skills.

  7. Stack Overflow: Join the online community of programmers at Stack Overflow. It's an excellent platform to troubleshoot coding issues, seek guidance, and learn from experienced developers.

  8. Udemy: Udemy features a wide array of programming courses created by industry experts. You'll find courses covering various languages and specialized topics to suit your interests.

  9. Udacity: Udacity offers nanodegree programs and courses designed in collaboration with tech companies. Immerse yourself in programming and related fields through in-depth learning experiences.

  10. focuses on introducing programming to beginners through interactive coding tutorials and resources suitable for learners of all ages. It's never too early or too late to start!

  11. Khan Academy: Khan Academy offers a range of programming courses and tutorials, covering both fundamentals and more advanced topics. There's something for everyone!

Take your time to explore these resources and find the ones that resonate with your learning style. Remember, dedication and practice are the keys to excel in programming. With consistent effort, you'll steadily acquire the skills necessary to become a coding maestro.

Mastering Data Structures and Algorithms: Taking Your Skills to the Next Level!

Now that you have a solid grasp of the fundamentals, it's time to dive into the fascinating world of data structures and algorithms. This is where things get really interesting! Acquiring knowledge in this area will not only enhance your problem-solving skills but also give you a competitive edge during technical interviews.

To embark on this exciting learning journey, I highly recommend checking out an amazing resource called GeeksForGeeks. GeeksForGeeks offers a comprehensive tutorial on data structures and algorithms that will provide you with a solid foundation for your learning adventure.

But wait, there's more! It's not enough to just learn the concepts—you need to put them into practice. That's where these reputable platforms come in:

  • HackerRank: HackerRank offers a vast collection of coding challenges spanning various domains. By solving these challenges, you'll enhance your problem-solving skills and gain valuable experience.

  • Leetcode: Leetcode provides a platform specifically designed for practicing coding problems, including data structures and algorithms. It's a great resource, particularly if you're preparing for technical interviews.

  • HackerEarth: HackerEarth is a fantastic platform that offers coding competitions, challenges, and practice problems. It's an excellent way to refine your coding skills and put your knowledge to the test.

  • TopCoder: If you're up for some thrilling coding competitions and practice problems, TopCoder is the place to be. It will improve your algorithmic problem-solving abilities and give you a taste of the competitive coding world.

For those who prefer a structured approach, I've got you covered! Check out my 90 Day Data Structures & Algorithms Study Plan, which offers a step-by-step approach to mastering these essential concepts. It's a comprehensive study plan that will guide you through the process, ensuring you cover all the necessary topics.

Remember, consistent practice is the key to becoming proficient in data structures and algorithms. Make sure to allocate dedicated time to solve problems and challenge yourself. As you tackle more and more coding challenges, you'll strengthen your skills and gain the confidence needed to excel in this critical area of programming.

Choosing Your Tech Role: Finding Your Path in the Tech World

When it comes to starting a career in the tech industry, it's crucial to find a role that truly sparks your interest and aligns with your aspirations. Choosing a specific role will help you focus your learning efforts and tailor your skills accordingly, setting you up for success.

Luckily, there's a fantastic resource called that can assist you on this journey. It offers comprehensive roadmaps for various tech roles like frontend developer, backend developer, blockchain developer, and more. These roadmaps provide invaluable guidance by outlining the specific skills and knowledge required for each role.

By exploring these roadmaps, you can gain valuable insights into the essential skills, technologies, and concepts that are relevant to your desired role. This will enable you to structure your learning journey effectively, ensuring that you acquire the necessary expertise for your chosen tech career.

Choosing a role is a significant step towards building a successful career in the tech industry. It's important to take the time to explore the roadmaps and identify the path that resonates with your interests and goals. Embrace the opportunity to delve into the exciting world of technology, and let your passion guide you towards a fulfilling and rewarding tech role.

Building Impressive Projects: Showcasing Your Coding Skills

When it comes to refining your programming skills and impressing potential employers, projects are the way to go! They offer an incredible opportunity to put what you've learned into practice and demonstrate your expertise effectively.

To kickstart your project-building journey, the first step is to create a GitHub account and get acquainted with Git. Git is a version control system that lets you manage and track changes in your projects. By hosting your projects on GitHub, you make it easy for others to access and review your work.

GitHub itself has got you covered with a comprehensive post listing numerous online resources to learn Git and GitHub. These resources will equip you with the necessary knowledge and skills to use these tools effectively in your project development workflow.

But wait, there's more! To keep you organized and motivated during your Git and GitHub learning journey, I've created a Git & GitHub self-study plan on Notion. This plan will guide you through the learning process, ensuring you cover all the essential concepts and techniques associated with Git and GitHub.

Remember, building and showcasing projects not only strengthens your skills but also demonstrates your ability to deliver tangible results. GitHub serves as the perfect platform to host your projects and take advantage of the available learning resources to become proficient in Git and GitHub. By doing so, you'll be well-prepared to impress recruiters and potential employers with your practical coding expertise.

So, let your creativity flow, start building those impressive projects, and showcase your coding skills to the world!

Mastering the Art of Interviewing: Unlocking Your Career Potential

When it comes to achieving career success, honing your interviewing skills holds immense value. It's no wonder that according to Pramp, mastering the art of interviewing can be one of the most profitable skills you can acquire. The good news is, you can start practicing for interviews right now, and it won't cost you a penny!

Enter Pramp, a platform that offers various interview tracks covering essential areas like data structures, algorithms, and system design. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced professional, Pramp provides a structured approach to help you prepare for technical interviews. These tracks will sharpen your problem-solving and communication skills, giving you a competitive edge.

But wait, there's more! Pramp not only offers free interview tracks but also provides paid courses that offer comprehensive guidance for building your interviewing skills. These courses dive deeper into interview preparation strategies, tips, and techniques, helping you excel in your upcoming interviews.

By leveraging the resources, you can simulate real interview scenarios, gain practical experience, and receive valuable feedback to enhance your performance. This hands-on practice will boost your confidence, improve your problem-solving abilities, and significantly increase your chances of securing job offers.

Conclusion: Embrace the Journey and Keep Learning

Congratulations on taking your first steps towards learning computer programming! This is an exciting journey that will undoubtedly bring you new challenges and incredible rewards. Remember, as you embark on this adventure, it's essential to keep an open mind and find joy in the process.

Learning to code can sometimes feel daunting, but with dedication and perseverance, you can overcome any obstacle that comes your way. Believe in yourself and your ability to acquire new skills and knowledge in the world of programming. You've got this!

To support your learning further, here are some additional resources that you may find valuable:

  • Coding Interview University: This repository offers a comprehensive curriculum designed specifically for interview preparation. It covers various topics and provides valuable resources to help you ace your interviews.

  • Free Programming Books: Dive into this collection of free programming books that cover a wide range of languages, concepts, and technologies. It's a treasure trove of knowledge waiting to be explored.

  • Cheatsheets: Cheat Sheets provides quick references and concise summaries of programming languages, frameworks, and more. These handy resources will assist you during your coding endeavors.

As you progress in your coding journey, remember that continuous learning is the key to unlocking your full potential. Stay curious, explore new technologies, and seek opportunities to apply what you've learned. Engage with online coding communities, participate in open-source projects, and consider building your own projects to further refine your skills and showcase your talent.

Above all, enjoy the process and celebrate your achievements along the way. Learning to code opens up a world of possibilities, empowering you to create, innovate, and contribute to the exciting field of technology. Embrace the journey, stay persistent, and always believe in your ability to succeed. Happy coding!

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